Puzzle me in, Ralph

Gone for 6 months, my mother came home, downtrodden and begging forgiveness carrying unwanted baggage. 

I truly believe that there aren’t any accidents.  In fact, I’ll go as far as saying that without some incidents that appear negative in evidence are really, just the way its supposed to go.

I’ve never met my biological father.  My mother loved men, a little too much, more than she loved her vows and any type of moral or ethical standards.  I will give you she was mentally ill and her mother was quite abusive, no, she was severely abused to the point I believe my mother became dissociative and she wasn’t my mother at all most of the time.   There was a part of me who loved my mother dearly, she was funny, smart, talented and generous to me, in small amounts, not very often, yet, I saw her when she was our lucid mother and her true being would present itself now and then, and it was beautiful.

Anyway, we lived on a piece of land of which we had many horses and with those horses we had trainers.  My mother fancied one of those trainers.  A man she called Ralph, well, I guess that was his name.  Wish it was a bit more sexier, seriously mom, Ralph? Well, my mother ran away from home like a love-struck teenager, leaving her four children behind.  She left my father [non-biological, you probably guessed that, but ya never know, so I’m clarifying], a doctor, and very busy, holding the bag.  As I’m told, my grandmother, his mother, stepped in to help.

Gone for 6 months, my mother came home, downtrodden and begging forgiveness carrying unwanted baggage.  She was 3 months pregnant.  Several attempts to end the pregnancy failed and the sperm-donor fled like the ‘chicken shit’ he is/was, as my dad would refer to him when discussing him later in life, never to be seen again.  Spoiler alert, here I am and you probably have a clearer picture why I’m as fucked up as I am.  I was a sex-child, not a love child, because it wasn’t love that brought me here, there wasn’t any love at any time.

So I’ve never met Ralph.  It wasn’t until I was 19 when my father’s second wife told me about Ralph and the whole salacious story.  Dad’s second wife, Janet, was my dad’s nurse.  After my parents divorced she wooed my dad into marrying her, then divorcing him knowing after 7 years she would get half his fortune.  So as one of her divorcing gifts to him, if there is such a tradition, bitch, she told me the entire story.  This conversation started with, “you have the most beautiful blues eyes, have you ever wondered where they came from?” I’ll never forget that day, in the middle of the kitchen in grief from hearing the previous news on that day that my stepfather had committed suicide.  Is the picture getting clearer now?

So this little blue-eyed Barbi went on a mission to find Ralph.  Instead I found my biological grandparents who in turn notified Ralph.  He never took the initiative to find me or talk with me.  I found that out why later. By the way, wonderful people, sweet as could be, huge hearts and wonderful souls, they said, I had his laugh.  Sadly and with great regret to this day, I abandoned them and moved forward.  I’d like lay blame and defend my actions by saying that it was because what Ralph had done to be when I reached out, but in reality, it just hurt too much to keep a relationship with them.  However,  I did allow them to see their grandchild when Joshua was born.  I don’t have much memory in fact, bits and pieces are missing, yet what touches my heart, I remember.  Good or bad.

Writing a letter in manic mode because I had not slept in 3 days.  Flooding in my brain were memories of conversations I had overheard as a child.  Over and over again hearing the name Barbi Christensen and never understanding why they called me that, my last name was De Coro.  As a small child hiding under the dinner table during family gatherings, listening to adult conversations and clearly not understanding shit, I knew my name in those ‘talks’ had some significance, but not enough to put the pieces together. As I got older the dinner conversations ended and so did my memories, locked away forever.

I received a letter from Ralph [which I never kept because it was too painful] in response to my letter.  Asking him why he didn’t take responsibility for me, why wasn’t I good enough for him, why wasn’t I part of his puzzle?  He responded, “I can’t have my family know that you exist, I have a wonderful wife and 3 daughters, they must never know about you”, it’s all I can remember, because it killed me and that part of my puzzle went up in flames.

Truth: I wasn’t an accident, I was born of different blood for a reason.  Granted, I’m not as smart as my siblings, and thin or pretty, but I’m different in other ways.  Stronger in many ways, yet, not sure what my purpose is and should be in this life.

Once I became comfortable, as the decades passed, that he was only a tool in bringing me here, it hurt less, and yet, it hurt different.  All I can surmise is that with each hurt, I grew and now have grown to see the world differently.

Our family is not close, my 5 other siblings they are close, not I, I never made that puzzle or click.  I kept/keep a distance because it’s what I do, and a side effect to what I  remember about my treatment, because they knew, trusting them or anyone and it’s probably something I’ll never be able to manage.  I have 3 half sisters out there somewhere and wonder if I had known them, maybe it could have been different.

A year ago, I wrote a letter to Ralph, sending it to an address that I was 99% sure it was his last residence.  Inside I wrote my story and the purpose of my story.  I wanted them to know about the cancers and if they had any information for me as well.  Considering, my 5 other half siblings didn’t have any of the cancers that I did.  I enclosed a self-addressed envelope, email address, etc., in hopes that someone would reach out to me.  Like I said, its been a year or so and the crickets are still chirping.  I would think that even if the wrong people got the letter they would contact me back informing me that it was the wrong address, and it wasn’t ‘return to sender’ either.

My father told me before he died that Ralph committed suicide.  How my father knew, no clue and some things you don’t want to know.  Seriously, I already was swimming with the sharks in the sea of shit, I really didn’t need additional shit added to the sea.

Back to accidents are not real.  I refuse to believe any of us are accidents, that some sort of divine purpose has been laid before us.  I’m not a religious person in any faction of the belief.  However, I do belief that a force bigger than us does exist and its energy based, where as, we are a piece of a bigger puzzle along with the grand scheme of things the purpose to the puzzle, well, I don’t think its been determined yet, really, it’s more of a plug and play sort of puzzle.  I feel upon a quote one day that Ram Dass shared, I believe he got it from Rumi, it states, and it really hit home for me, “we’re just walking each other home”.  Striking, isn’t it?

This is why when I say, I’m okay with Ralph’s decision in not taking accountability for his actions, I believe it.  Not to discard the fact that I do wish at times that he had taken the time to puzzle me in and not had placed me as being the proverbial “elephant in the room” in this life and never quite fitting in to anyone’s puzzle.



False start, 1, 2, 3 and counting

Let me tell you a story of girl who has done nothing but make bad decisions from the moment of conception.

1. Choosing the wrong set of parents, they didn’t want me or love me and lied to me daily

I truly believe we all start something with the full intent of finishing.  NOT! I start, knowing very well that I won’t finish or at the very least I will fuck it all up.  Yep, pretty much, so when I do finish anything, oh shit-cow, I’m totally surprised.  Imagining myself running down the street naked screaming a declaration of completion with a side course of “really, I’m amazed too, quit looking a my nipples”.

Everyday brings about new prospects.  Prospects you say.  Yes, what omens/signs/nudges will the universe push me towards that will bring some success.  Because you all know it’s worked wonders thus far, right?  Yet, getting out of this mode of thinking is difficult if not downright impossible.

It’s an undeniable, insatiable ability to have faith in hope.  Kinda counter-intuitive to us less than intelligent type. Well, I need to work on that today.  Another piece of not-so-good news has landed before us again, financial of course, we take it up the ass.

Let me tell you a story of girl who has done nothing but make bad decisions from the moment of conception.

  1. Choosing the wrong set of parents, they didn’t want me or love me and lied to me daily
  2. Choosing the wrong body to be born into and endure the criticism of anyone who thought their 2 fucking cents mattered on the subject of my chubster rolls.
  3. Being verbally, physically, emotionally abused for years that I’ve literally lost count.
  4. Years of being on my own and attempting to survive, it hurts…
  5. Choosing every abusive boyfriend, it was like I was a magnet.
  6. Married Mr. Wrong, [caveat of this one, 2 wonderful child I do not regret]
  7. Married again for the wrong reasons, but don’t regret it [caveat, I grew as a person]
  8. Returning to college
  9. Student Loans, don’t do it, it’s a real-time ghost that never goes away.
  10. 2 weeks after graduation in 2010 with a master’s degree in science, Human Services, my youngest and only daughter gets married, leaves for North Carolina and I’m diagnosed with cancer.  Triple negative HER BC.
  11. Nearly died from chemo, a little dramatic, but I’m damn sure death would have been less painful, ya think?
  12. Radiation for 33 rounds, still paying for that physiologically
  13. Could not find work because who wants to hire a bald person with cancer?
  14. A year and half later I found cancer again, Lucy was hiding in my ovaries this time, bitch.
  15. Chemo again, this time, I did die, inside many times, part of me has not been reborn, good parts died, wish I had.
  16. Still no work in my field, now its been 3 years, student loans mounting
  17. Employer doesn’t want to take another chance in my cancer returning, letting me go by setting me up [yes, I have proof, but no will to move forward]
  18. Finally finding work in my field sort of, liking it but working with a bully who has chosen me to be their bitch.  For now…
  19. I hate my job a regret it every day, but out of desperation for a paycheck, there’s no way out.
  20. Applying for several jobs being turned down, again reinforcing my worthlessness
  21. In severe financial distress due to student loans and wondering how are we going to survive any longer at this rate
  22. Thankful I have a husband who understands and kinda likes my crazy, even though he’s super judgy.
  23. Possible job opportunity ahead, so I spent money we don’t have on a class that could help me with the initial interview.
  24. Feeling worthless and not wanting to go forward
  25. I’m tired but writing helps
  26. 54 and have really nothing to show but a long trail of shit and poor decisions, what a great asset to society I’ve become.

So there now, all that whining is out.  Now welcome to my dark world where with one positive thought, there are five to disprove and squash its benefit.

I do know that others have it worse, others are stronger than I.  I’ve struggled, no hand outs, no winning the damn lottery, no inheritance to fall back on, just surviving, it’s like treading water for indeterminate amount of time with no clear end in sight.

Einstein said, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results”.  Yeah, told ya, I’m not super intelligent, but yet, I have no fucking clue of what to do next.  Jung talked about a shadow…I think my shadow is now who I am, a very dark confused human who can fake life better than most, then walk away and hide.

So how is your day going?

Seriously, you think I was born at this age????

Ever have someone insult your intelligence to the point you want to reach over and choke the stupid out of them, this is how I feel about people who think just because we are older that we’ve not experienced life at all and we were born this age…

For the last 20 years or so there has been a theme of sorts rising to the top of my pet peeve list.  Sort of like the layer of goo on soup that has been sitting too long.  Longer it sits the thicker it gets, becoming more and more disturbing and having a greater effect on the soup’s possibly being enjoyable.

Anywhoooo, here it goes.  Talking with young mothers or fathers now and then about their lives which can be nothing short from laundry to the mess kids make on a daily basis.  How little Joey marked up the wall, or Betty pukes all over the cashier at the market.  Oh, this brings back so many memories of all the antics involving the littles and that of being a young parent all the way through teenage years and not stopping at adulthood.  In fact, the grandkids have taken the place of my grown ass kids in the variety of stunts they can accomplish on a daily basis.

So a simple conversation with these parents can quickly turn insulting within moments.  Here are 3 ways to piss me off. One, as if they are the only parent who has experienced little Joey marking up the wall with a sharpie [Joana] or had a child puke up all over the place, not limited to confined places, e.g. car.  2., how in the hell do you think I got this old?  Where in the hell do you think all this grey hair came from?  Finally, 3, do you really think I was born at this age and had not experienced life at all until this very moment when your majestic, whiney, narcissistic ass comes over to me to complain about your life?

Then and only then do you not only complain about how Joey and Betty don’t allow you to exercise, blah, blah, blah…then you have the nerve to say to me, “Oh, you wouldn’t understand because you don’t have children at home.”  Fuck you!  Newsflash, little Ms/Mr, fleshy-boo, I made time.  Do you think I enjoyed waking up at 5 a.m. every morning, dressing in the dark and going for a run, or walk depending on my mood?  Hell no, but I needed it for my sanity so I wouldn’t complain to someone like me and make them feel like shit because you feel misunderstood.  You do what you want to do, kids aren’t the reason why you’re a lazy-ass, they are a convenient excuse for you not to take responsibility of your own damn life.

Seriously, I would exercise when I could, this would be at times of napping or when on rare occasion their bio-dad would spend the day with them.  Or I did the unthinkable, I would spend time with them by taking them on nature hikes or just a simple walk through our neighborhood, getting to know these little humans I brought into the world. If we had a chance, I’d throw on a Journey record and teach these kids how to clean and take care of the important stuff, all this as long as I wasn’t working, which was usually a night shift or some other weird late hours.

So if you’d like to be the all-knowing, all-seeing guru and master of all things children, be my guest, but please do not assume that I haven’t lived life or my experiences are not valid because I am not doing that phase of life anymore at this very moment.

Life for us as the seasoned generation we raised our kids without cellphones and babysitters or daycare.  We worked hard and taught our kids how to work hard.  Obviously, your parents were napping while raising you.  It’s more than likely you didn’t show up for class. Your whining and insulting me is only self-gratification, so please don’t ego-masturbate in front of me and then treat me as if I don’t have a clue about anything concerning life with kids and work, etc, I will beg to differ and very loudly.

Insulting others with careless, casual remarks such as, “oh you wouldn’t know” or “it’s just you and your husband, oh how I wish”, and the best, “can I trade places with you”.  Hell to the no, I worked for this empty nest and continue to work for it.  So please keep your uneducated, disrespectful, dumbass remarks to yourself, and please stop breeding because we all know you’re sharing this warped sense of thinking with those innocent children.

Who by the way, love to drive you crazy, just so they can hear you complain to others about their lastest deeds.  They are proud of their wall-art, the colorful puke of the day, and the labyrinth of toys that they leave strewn about the house.  They love that they gave themselves a haircut right before picture day [Joshua].  The pink nail polish was the perfect touch to the drab mini blinds [Joana], the lovely shade of picasso pink [through the eyes of a 4-year-old],  spruced up the room perfectly.  Oh and how, he thought that because it happened in the movie, then surely a knife cannot cut his new leather jacket, now could it?  Buzzzzzzzz, it did and a long explanation of how movies are not real ensued.  One of my favorites, explaining to our son how an organism is not pronounced orgasm.

Oh, how I’ve lived and love the stories I could tell.  Therefore, should I receive one more insult to my intergrity while you objectify me with your banter of “you would not understand” and behave as if your life is superior than that of anyone else, well lets just say,  your teacher has arrived, and you will be my student.  You better damn well be ready.