Never leave the house without clean underwear on…

Depission~combination of depression and being pissed off~deadly to say the least

Oh the advice we received as young children, underwear, wear it and be sure its clean.  Socks, what if you lost your shoes?  My personal favorite, “be kind to people and they will be kind to you back”.  The Golden Rule, right…I’m beginning to think its bullshit, same with the underwear idea, clean, yes, on, who fuck cares.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

command based on words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount: “All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” The Mosaic law contains a parallel commandment: “Whatever is hurtful to you, do not do to any other person.”  [The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.]

I’ve lived that rule, not sure who taught me, but I lived it.  I was pretty respectful to strangers and some people I liked, just kidding, I don’t make friends, friends suck and so does family sometimes.  Its not that I’m not likable, I’m very likable for about 30 seconds or whenever my usefulness runs out.  Yeah, I’m that person.

I’m the default program on your computer, I’m the one that is there when there is no one else, until someone else does come along, yeah back to default mode.  Its sucks, and you ask, “why do it?” Because most of the time, I care too much and I’ll weigh out the alternative.  Guess better to be needed part of the time, than none-of-the-time, and I know what that feels like too.

It’s sort of like this blogging, I don’t do it for likes or comments, I do it to get that ugly bullshit out of my system.  To shout without shouting, to tell someone, anyone my feelings without them landing in my lap the first argument that occurs.  Blogging is my default friend.  It’s always there to listen,  it never comments something back and it always forgets, unless I need the reminder and seek it out myself.

I know some people use it to advertise, or talk about political or societal issues.  Great for them.  Not me, because I can get around myself, I’m always in the way of me, just me…I’ll never move forward because I’m always in the way.  I can’t move past my own shit so to stand for someone else’s shit.  The world could be coming to an end and I’ll be sitting in the corner asking some imaginary listener, “who cares if the world comes to end, who cares if there are people dying,  who cares if I die tomorrow”.  Nobody, that’s who, but I don’t want to give anyone the pleasure of knowing that either.

It’s a strong fact and probably the only time I move around myself, because there are certain people in this world that I care about and will do anything for,  and most of the time it’s not reciprocated.  It’s a truth and I know this.  I’m boring, broke financially, and really no fun to be around, I’m funny but not funny enough to hang with, just convenient and here, always here.  I’m clean underwear and too many times I’m forgotten about, taken for granted, but damn relied on like crazy.

However, not the reason for the darkness today.  I woke up with my internal ‘pissed off switch’ on full blast.  I awoke hating the world, full on knowing that today was going to suck like rotten eggs can clear a room.  It was going to be bad.  My filter was on low and my temper on blast.  Worst part of it all, I had to work.  All I wanted to do was come home hide and write.

I’m a runner and most of the time I can cure these moments of darkness with a morning run.  Beat the fuck out of my body so I don’t have the energy to be pissed off.  It’s a sad case of depression or as I’d like to call it, Depission, it’s a joint venture of the two to really see who can drive me mad faster.  Neither of them win because at the end of the day, we all hurt inside and out.

Well now that I feel like a total pathetic asshole with no purpose with a side of being an idiot for allowing my life to be nothing more than ‘default’ mode, I’ll move on, shoving my piehole with bacon and frozen blueberries.  Go ahead and judge me, it’s better than being ignored completely.

Here’s an idea if you’ve been paying attention.  In our new world of technology its easier than ever to check up on people.  Text, message or do the unthinkable and call and just ask, “how are you?”  Is it that difficult?  I do my best and I do fail a lot, maybe its the reason why I am pushed aside for newer and better friends/people/animals/toys, etc.  You get the drift.

Today I hurt, tomorrow who knows.  Today I cried, tomorrow who knows.  Today, I hid, tomorrow who knows.  Will it ever end?

I see my crying face in the foggy mirrored life I call hell

Smelling my sadness and the dying inside as it swells

The darkness is real should I just give in and accept it all

Or keep fighting it, second, minute, hours, days until I fall

No I keep moving forward for no reason I can explain

Only the hurt as a reminder of the self inflicted disdain

I’m an awful creature, this must be true

For I’m tossed aside, no sooner than my empty worth shines through

Never leave the house without clean underwear on

You’ll never know when you’ll be called back and you’re work is done.





Life happens with the best of intentions* Deal with it.

All sorts of crazy talk here today, some disclosure, some fact, but all very real. Deal with it.

I’m old, it’s a fact.  A 54-year-old woman, no longer in my party days or wish to be in.  Yet, let me take in less than 5 hours sleep and, Oh yeah, I have a hangover.  A crazy, “who in fuck spiked my drink?” hangover!  Disclosure: I’ve had my share of partying days.  Waking up in places I had no idea how or where I was, and pretty much, “what the hell happened last night?”, rolling around in my head.  Not to say, that wearing a smirk of well I’ve survived one more day, and wow, let’s do this again giggle.

I was pretty much a person who loved to laugh, play and have a good time.  Having parentals who had no involvement in the so-called ‘raising’ of me,  I was pretty much forced into being raised with the wolves of the party world.  Funny, isn’t much surprise that I’m now a dark person inside, sad and dark with thoughts of “how in the hell do I get out of here”.

I realized the other day, I don’t laugh much anymore, nothing is really amuses me anymore…its odd, yet normal.  Anyway, factor in the lack of sleep and you have this mess of garble that some call writing, or self-expression, or some kind of bullshit that isn’t relevant to anything in life.  Or is it?

Disclosure:  I’m a 2x survivor and its a great possibility that I’ll get sick again.  What they term is Triple Negative HER breast cancer, is code for, you suck and you will get it again because I like to roam around your body for a weak spot so that I can eat and screw you up all over again.  Yes, yes it did, in the form of ovarian cancer.  Five years ago now a survivor, a survivor to what?  It’s all bullshit.

I maintained life minimally, I barely did the function of surviving.  I truly wanted to die.  Chemo is just another form of torture.  We should use it as an interrogation tool, slowly dying from the inside out will surely get anyone to talk.  Pushing the poison through veins with the encouragement from others, “you’re so strong”, “I couldn’t do what you’re doing”.  What the fuck am I doing, it’s what is being done to me.  Geez, people are dumb.  How about this one, bald, looking like a man, once having gorgeous skin and hair and still light in my eyes [gone now] and people telling me, “you look great”.  I’m being injected with a poison that could kill, and I look great??  What the fuck, I’m not from the planet Krypton with some super human powers to ward off chemo.  If I had, then the cancer wouldn’t have invaded me in the first place.

I digress, sleep deprivation does this, I will long for my bed tonight after work, after an episode or two of my boys, Sam and Dean [Supernatural], if you haven’t watched it, well, you have 13 episodes to catch up on.  This is me and my husband’s quality time, and we enjoy it. Stop judging me asshole.

Speaking of that we don’t travel, we don’t go to the movies, we do life in our home.  Maybe because we are broke as all hell due to student loans sucking the holy fuck out us.  Yeah, another faction of what cancer does to the receiver.  It makes you broke as fuck.  Two weeks after my graduation with a masters, I was diagnosed the first time, it took me 4 years to find another job after the current employer *cough, cough* CVS decided to let me go because I was a risk, cancer does that after the second time.  They’ll deny the fact but I have it on great authority that I was let go due to cancer and they’d rather not take the 3rd chance on me taking time off to let me heal or die a little more.

The best and most lovingly sweet part of cancer, people ditching you because they feel that chemo is contagious, or was that cancer, or was that both.  Granted I was a walking talking nuclear plant, emitting radiation everywhere, right, isn’t that a fact?  Dumbasses, read a book about cancer and treatments, educate yourselves before rejecting people at their lowest point. Gahhhhhh

Anyway, as you see this post is everywhere, this is where my mind has become unfiltered and the damage is leaking through in the vibrant colors of the rainbow, gotta be a unicorn around here somewhere.  This is who’d I’d like to be, I enjoy being a little demented, but as life would have it, bits and pieces of me have fallen off because after years of, “act like a lady”, “that’s so inappropriate” and the sideways glances of those who are dream killers, and bullies because their lives are full of bullshit and fake flowers, doesn’t mean they need to take it out on me.

However, in some bizarre way, it affected me and I have been conditioned to a darker degree of cynicism.  I’ve lost the playful side, the drive to move forward, the trickster, the joker, the fun part of me died because I’ve had to alter in order to fit in.  Where the fuck did I get that idea?  And why the fuck did I go along with it?  The ‘back in the day’ Barbi would not have let it happen.  Was it the cancer?  Was it that I’m just fucking tired of fighting life and all its problems, especially the financial ones.  If anyone tells me one more time that money won’t make me happy, well bitch, give me your money and let me see it for myself.  I don’t mind being a test subject.  Another Gahhhh for the stupid things people say.

Its going to be a long day, and I know it.  No trying to be positive or upbeat about it, no attempting to self-talk some bullshit that really irrelevant to an unfiltered mind such as mine.  If anyone could hear the thoughts at any given time, you’d be amazed at my self-control.  I don’t like to hurt anyone’s feelings.  Truly, so I believe in keeping silent until the urge of wanting to take out my verbal stupid stick and beat the shit of idiot who really didn’t think before talking passes.  Self control at its best, right her folks.

We all have room to grow and I have plenty.  I feel sorry for my kids, I did so hard to maintain, but I know deep inside, they knew I was losing it each day.  Yet, despite my fucked up parenting skills, or possibly my husband being a better parent than I suspected [because of course, I knew everything, and controlled the universe, right?] and picked up the slack without saying a word, but in his own silent way was hating me to a degree of which was overflowing and sucking love out of the equation.

It wasn’t until the C-word occurred that I saw how damaged I was and my world became so much more clear and how he’d been covering for me for years.

With that, I end my rant due to sleep deprivation and unfiltered intents to mitigate  in the world of chaos with the lack of self-control.  Figure that one out.

*this post is unedited and unfiltered to some degree due to being drunk to to lack of sleep.

Check please! Where is the exit?

Have you been so overwhelmed with life, you just wanna pay your bill and get the hell out? Run, its chasing me!!! What? Life is chasing me!

Week 2 has started on the Art and Soul Reloaded self-workshop created by Pam Grout and I’m already behind.  Time seems to slip from faster each day.  My energy is zapped and thoughts of just quitting life creeps up on me without worrying if I hear its footsteps or not.  Quitting is very attractive and luring,  it’s no longer coy about its intentions.

Starting a new journey isn’t easy.  Oh you know the whole every journey of a thousand steps starts with the first step which is the hardest, it goes something like that, I think.  Anyway, I not only started one, but I started two.  With great hopes this is the direction of which I should be taking in this life.  What is the second journey you ask?  Or did you, or was that my Cory stepping in again.  Well, let’s appease everyone.  I started a 40 training class for a possible job of which I have an interview for on the 17th.

It’s not as if I’m not educated and qualified, but even the most educated need some extra training right.  It only took me 4 days in which to decide whether or not to spend the $99.00 on the class.  Yep, that’s me, very very confused at the moment.

This is what the world of a depressed person deals with daily.  No one has a clue, I smile, seem self-confident, quite funny if I say so myself.  Yet, as each year goes by, I become quieter and quieter.  My energy, will, motivation, how ever you’d like to term it, is waning.  Maybe because I’m getting older and my ‘giving zero fuck’s’ list is growing more and more each day.  Who knows, but it’s getting darker in here and I’m beginning to like it.

In being confused when anyone attempts to discuss a situation or decision that has taken you a quite bit of time to be comfortable with, tries to discuss the positive or negative side of it, when you’re barely hanging on to the idea of the decision, well, it knocks you on your ass.  Yes, I have a decision bully around me all the time.  Not encouraging, unless this person believes it’s the best for me, or them, or somebody else who isn’t me and doesn’t have my issues.  When they start talking, I search for the exit, breathe deep and sigh as a hint to shut the fuck up and leave me alone or I just may jump into that nice warm comfy dark abyss inside my mind.

Challenging someone like me is like bleeding around a shark.  I will attack and I will flee after the attack.  You poked me, tempted me, now leave me the fuck or alone or I will eat you.  I forgive those who don’t know me, or if it’s in a work situation.  Yet, those who know me, well, you must be a glutton for punishment.  Or maybe, you just like being a decision bully, dream killer.  You may call it being a devil’s advocate, I call it being an asshole.

So today, I go forward, holding my head up high, trying to figure out where the next ‘step’ is going to be and how painful will it be when I take it.  I can tell you one of the steps is going to be in role-playing.  It’s not something I can do or want to do.  Ask me to pretend a grown-ass adult is a child…yeah, how is this even relevant and productive.  Its not, nor can it be and I believe a lot of good people may have been turned away due to a poor role-playing interviewing attempts.  Some people are just better at hands on operations, not fake playing.  If I could fake-play, I’d become an actor and laugh all the time.

Can I have the check now, and where is the exit? Thank you.

Week 1 Day 5 Reloaded

The struggle is real, yet I know the mountain before me will be a challenge, just like every other mountain I’ve climbed…

I’d like to believe that this 52 week course will reload my creativity to its full potential.  Maybe not, or maybe yes.  Whatever the case, I can tell you other areas of my life are expanding considerably.  Opportunity is occurring and whether or not it’s happening due to me opening up to accepting help, well, all I can say, I’m ready.

I’m supposed to come up with 3 ideas a day, well, it appears, its only occurring every other day.  Making time for just myself and my ideas is a tough one.  Yet, I try, and at least its every other day, rather than zero days, right?

  1. Let’s make a ‘work’ culture where the employer appreciates their employees, where the atmosphere of a happy employee is a productive employee.  Does this even exist?
  2. How about let’s take bullies and let them bully each other, especially work bullies, those who attempt to intimidate and have the ‘hall monitor’ attitude, where they feel the need to ‘nark’, ‘tattle-tale’ on everyone.
  3. Let’s start paying people what they are worth, rather than paying them an assumed fair standard because their seniority in the position.  Because, I don’t know about you, but hell, I’m not sure how some people stay so long in a job and aren’t even doing the job?

So those are my bitchy suggestions for the day.  I do have a lot to say today, but its dark and disturbing, and I believe Cory [if you don’t know who Cory is, read my first blog] is really trying my patience right now.  My mind is all over the place, many decisions need to be made and really no one to discuss them with…anyone who doesn’t have a negative spin on it, I should say.

My depression is fighting me this week.  Think of it as treading water 24 hours straight, no break, no breather, just treading, in one place, knowing if you stop, you will drown into the darkness.  So today, 3 days into the darkness, I keep going, an no one has a clue.

Practice my dear friends and readers, practice.

Art & Soul Reloaded, W1 D3

Continuing journey in self-improvement and coaxing my creative side out from under the covers

Good Morning and good day!

Well, a little busy yesterday for any deep or well, seriously, shallow thinking to be accomplished or any type of writing to be initiated.

So day 3, hmmmm, what great ideas do I have?

  • Let’s develop a vaccine for stupid people that cause us the constant need for us to police them in every area of their lives.  For example:  why do we need to make people aware that coffee is hot?  Or please do not use the blow dryer, toaster or television in the bathtub.  Maybe they should.
  • They can put a man on the moon, why not make a vacuum that does not require a cord and the battery will last more than a few minutes.
  • Why not expand on the idea of using hemp as a resource to build houses, or as medicine, all the research is there, let’s put it to good work and save our planet from all the concrete and wood that is used to deplete our earth.

Kinda weak today, this blog, but so am I.  The list of ‘have to do’ is pretty long and I’m pretty tired.  Good day yesterday though, lots of positive and good work being accomplished.  Today is a new day, a day to remain balanced and try not to allow the extremes to knock me off my center.  Right, good trick.  It can be done, but with great force and work, we all can stay centered and move forward in to a much happier state.

My husband stated to me yesterday that he’d rather not read my blogs.  That making such personal stuff  public isn’t ‘right’.  I disagree, duh, reason why I write.  If people didn’t write about their personal experiences, how would we grow as a society, how would we move forward, how would we know when and how to help someone in need without the need of prior experience from someone who shared.  Isn’t that what books are based on, personal experiences, creativity, and knowledge.

Again, its all about judgement and the need to be harsh to people who want to talk about their experiences which don’t require a paid visit.  It would be okay to talk about my experience with cancer, but not about being shit-kicked during my youth by mentally deranged parents.  I disagree, and I usually just let his opinion pass, because really I believe he is possessed by my dad sometimes.  Let’s keep that between you and me.  *wink*wink*.

You know those Facebook posts where someone asks you, ‘what if you could change anything in your past, what would it be?’  Me:  absolutely nothing.  I’m here today because I climbed that mountain, I cheated death more than once, twice or three times.  Those struggles have make me a superhero in my own right.  I’ve developed the muscles of a survivalist extreme.  Without those experiences, I could very well been just nothing, no motivation, no fight, just bleh.  Who wants to be bleh?

So, I will continue to write for the few that find interest in my thoughts into words.  For those who lack the critical skill of judgement, in the hope they can benefit from this single person who fights every day to get out of bed.  Who fights the darkness at random times and keeps it hidden so others don’t see the small human inside battling to see the light.  I’ll keep writing in hope that I can help save a single soul from further torment because possibly they will feel just a little bit less alone.

I’ve spent many hours reading other blogs and their experiences combating depression and life’s lacking stupid regard for not achieving happiness.  I read, listen and learn and I truly believe I’m walking the path that was created just for me, I am Barbi and I will continue to write, walk, run and seek out my purpose until I’m yanked from this planet.





Art & Soul Reloaded Week 1

A 52 week exercise by Pam Grout, a phenomenal writer and human that I respect dearly. Her creative genius is one to be admired and equally to be jealous of 100%. So for the next 52 weeks, maybe everyday, I will be doing her creative inspiring exercises that she has craft-fully laid out for those of us that are lacking our creative gifts from manifesting. So here I gooooo….

Let me preface this by saying, I used to be an artful soul.  I loved to draw, and draw and draw.  However, in my father’s eyes, he’d say, “there is no money in being an artist”.  He may have been a touch angry because before the age of 5, I’d walked around announcing to anyone who listened, “I was going to be a doctor like my daddy!”.  Well as life would have it, blood grossed me out.  I’m clumsy, probably worse than most and as a young child my knees were victim to my clumsiness.  I was indeed, clumsy-extreme!  That was as close as becoming a doctor than I could ever be, the blood, scabs, and grossness took its toll on my gut.  Bleh!

Sitting in the backseat of my father’s red Cadillac, I think it was, all I can remember was slip-sliding from one end to the next and that’s the only car that comes to mind.  Well, anyway, my little brother in the front seat, no rules back then people, remember I’m old.  My dad loved my little brother, he loved to make fun and play a game called ‘who’s nose was bigger’.  Where he’d measure his nose with his thumb and pointer finger than as he would reach my brother’s nose, he’d slowly make the space smaller and smaller, having it appear as if my little brother’s nose was much larger than my father’s.  It was funny, and I loved to hear my brother laugh and say “no dad, you cheated”, and he’d do the same trick back to our dad. Cute.

I wasn’t involved in fun games like these, remember in the back seat, always.  I only received criticism and was yelled at now and then, “act like a lady”, what the fuck was a lady and why did I need to act like one???? I digress…So my little brother and my dad were having some kind of conversation concerning “what do you wanna be when you grow up”….mind you my little brother was probably 4 or 5 and I was nearing 7 or 8.

I hated this question, I really can’t remember what my little brother said, because I had been asked this question for years and my answer was always the same, so I would tune out the conversation.  Buttttt, I couldn’t help myself this time and I shouted, “I wanna be an artist.”  Oh, my dear father would always become enraged in my statement and this honest confession to a question he had not asked me.  His standard response, “no you will not, there is no money in being an artist”.

Hmmm, there’s no money in being a stay-at-home mom but you were all for that, or were you just worried that I had loser written all over me and was a bit crazy like my mother?  From as young as I can remember, he took my crayons, my art kits, even my playdoh, so I could not create.  He made me focus on school work, numbers and any literary skills he thought I might have had.

Where is this story going and why does it belong in the Art & Soul Reloaded apprenticeship?  Well, I lost my gift of art because it wasn’t practiced, it wasn’t encouraged, but my love for art never left my soul.  It hid in me like a scared child afraid to show itself and be mocked and criticized for wanting to bloom like the flower I could be, no wanted I wanted with every inch of my being, an artist, I know this now.

To this day, I cannot pick up a paint brush, pencil, crayon, anything remotely artistic and just draw, not without those words pounding in the back of my head, the raging scream of judgement and criticism, the yelling of how I was nothing and never would amount to anything.  Yet, hey, I was a good mom, that’s what he gave me.

Those were different times and I understand his fear of any of us not becoming anything remotely successful.  He wanted to protect us from failure.  What he failed to understand and give consideration to was, that maybe possibly, I would have been really good, no great at being an artist.  Well, we all had our share of crazy inside us and most of the time, it was crazy that made the decisions.  So yeah, he did the best he knew how, and Dad, I forgive you and understand what motivated you.  Because of how you treated me, I didn’t do this to my kids, I let them be who they wanted to be, probably not a good thing either, the opposite side of the spectrum and all, yet, I know, I encouraged every thought and dream they had and for that, I thank you.  Dad,  you were my idol, I just wish you could have really seen me for who I was or my potential or who I am.  In the next life maybe…

So what does this have to do with my lesson this week?  I’m getting there, sometimes I need to write the psychology behind my thoughts, so hang on.  This week, she asks me to surrender half of my social media time, that I average per day participating in, toward communing with the muses.  Those unseen creative lunatics that inspire and encourage me to move forward.  With the hope they can unlock the child artist locked away 50 years ago in the dungeon of my soul.

So I will ask the muses to use whatever means that they are inspired to use, set that child free, nurture and allow the artist to create without the fear of criticism or judgement.  Teach the child to flip-off the pursuer of hate and crush them with the ACME anvil called reality.

Number 2 for lesson one.  Write down 3 ideas a day.  I have so many ideas, you have no idea about my ideas.  Oh my, the things my brain comes up with, if only my skill could follow.  So today my ideas are:

  • A rake that is also a shovel,  a single unit that can be transformed with a flip of a switch.
  • An extracting tool to that can read our minds so we don’t have to type and try to remember what idea that we wanted to remember.  Something like that temperature thermometer thing that can be rubbed across the forehead and boom, thoughts are stored.
  • Floor vacuums that are built into the floor that slowly pull in the dust and hair so it doesn’t have a chance to settle on the floors or tables.  Yeah, I like that one.

So tomorrow is another day, and another 3 ideas.  I will continue my literary journey, not ready to pull out the whole paint thing yet.  However, I think the muses are hard at work  and actively finding a way to break through the locks and chains that bind and free that little artist who has been a prisoner way too long.  Yesterday, I felt a tickle of what may be in store.

To be continued…

The Darkness of Depression*

An insider’s look to the darkness of depression, a personal guide to fighting the fucking disease, not really, but it is a glimpse of my naked brain.

It’s real, not a phantom condition.  It hurts, it bites and it can destroy all that is good in a person.  It sneaks up in the most ridiculous time and place, in a fashion of which you can’t ignore.  It appears in the mirror it finds us no matter where you are or where you go.  There is no absolute way to ignore it.  You wear it like your favorite clothing, you allow it in and treat it as a friend.  Because most of your life you’ve not ever known a time that you have had not it snuggling with you by your side.

At times, its worth dying for so to stop the pain and tears from suddenly erupting for no reason.  It can create paranoia, it can create a dark, dark world that you want to escape, by any means, it doesn’t matter, just release me from its grip.  It may go away for a bit and you think what did I do differently?  You scour your brain, was it a vitamin, food, what the fuck did I do different, this feels so good.  Then without warning its back, without cause or reason, it’s here and its real.

Depression, is real.  It’s not caused by a zero bank account, of course, this doesn’t help.  Its not caused by a broken relationship, a dying parent or even poochy taking the downward slide to never-never land.  What causes depression?  Well, I could get all educated here, but it’s not the reason for me writing on it.  More, that it’s a realization that I’m tired of the fight,  it or should I say, I’m getting weary of fighting it.  Grasping for tools and the skill to fight back.  I wake up with positive thoughts, or attempt them anyway, and with no avail, it creeps in my brain like a dark fog and tells me that, “I’m the most fucked up person in the universe”.  Do I believe it, if I said no, would you believe me?  No and yes, I do, because the educated part of my brain knows what depression is and mostly why it exists in me.  The vulnerable abused, sad little human on the other side, embraces it because it’s validating what I really feel about myself.

At the age of 12, I attempted suicide.  Standing over the sink with a razor blade in hand, starting the first cut on my wrist, my sister walked in on me.  Shouting, what are you doing???  Normally, we didn’t walk in on each other in the bathroom, I guess by leaving the door unlocked, that small part of my brain, the super tiny insignificant part of my psyche of which I call hope, reached out for help.  It snuck past the dark fog of depression and hopelessness to shine a bit of, “I hope someone finds me before I go through with this” mojo.  She did and well, spoiler alert, I’m here aren’t I.

This was the first of several attempts to end my existence.  I think when I finally stopped searching for a creative way to end it all was when I met my first husband.  He gave me hope and two amazing kids.  My life changed after my first child.  For them I gave up much of my dreams, in return, they are the reason I got out of bed every morning, they are the sole cause for me in moving forward.

I wasn’t the best mom, I know that, and who says they are, well, you’re full of shit.  We manage, we adjust to the child’s personality, we draw the picture in which the child is the canvas.  We do our best with the tools and skills we’ve been given.  Stop judging, you aren’t any better, I’ve learned this and believe it.

Even though life has not been easy, it has been easier to fight the darkness.  It’s as if the educated part of my brain has been working out, all buffed out with muscles and such,  and now it can beat down the darkness, but it takes a bit of effort.

When I go quiet and disappear, call in sick, cancel appointments and hide.  It’s because my brain is having quite the battle.  It’s fighting and even the simple act of talking steals the momentum of fighting the dark.

It’s dark in here, in the mind of a depressed person, or as one therapist said, I was manically depressed.  I don’t believe I am manic, depressed yes, manic no.  If he had lived the life I was dumped into, he’d be depressed too.  I fight, every day, every moment every thought is a challenge.  I have no strength at times to follow any dream because the voice of worthlessness squelched the voice of passion and motivation a long time ago.  Zapping my strength in moving forward.  It steals every ounce of desire to be more than I am, it’s a wonder I’m still here.

So when a depressed person expresses their sadness, or attempts to share their darkness, keep in mind, they are screaming for help.  Please don’t assume you know the darkness if you’ve not experienced it.  Please don’t assume that we can control it, some of us are just better at hiding it.  I was the comedian, I made jokes, I teased, I thought laughter could cure my darkness.  It helps, true, but no, the battle continues.  Listen to them, watch for destructive dark clues, watch for that small glimmer of hope that they hope you can see and discover.

At the ripe age of 54, [I often said I would not live pass 34] I’ve fought battles that some were self-imposed and others, not so much.  I’ve fought battles with blood that was shed but invisible to others.  Think you can run from cancer and not be depressed, what fuck do think made it grow, happy thoughts? Nope, the darkness found a weakness and made a strong attempt to fulfill my wishes to die.  Another spoiler alert.  Sucks right?

This started way before I was born, my mother tried to abide by my wishes, coat hanger and all, another spoiler alert, I made it, again, again and again.  I’m like a bad penny always showing up, again, again, again.  My will and desire are adversaries to say the least, the hidden agenda to my existence is a cry for help not to die.  Dying is the reaction one is seeking to stop the pain.  Because really depression is very painful, for us and everyone around us.  It will stab and poke us until we eventually go mad.

Many think that my habitual ‘no filter’ is an act or possibly intentional.  Not really, more that when things do fly out of my mouth, it’s because there is a lack of control in keeping it in.  At at that moment, the fight is becoming brutal and bloody inside my head.  Not an excuse, a factoid to the Barbi-brain.

We all are different in how we deal.  I don’t believe in medication nor will I get to that point.  I believe there needs to be some sort of battle, eventually, it will end and if anyone else can gain from my experiences, well, it will be worth it.  How it ends, I have no fucking clue, but living through it, well, I’ve been doing that for a bit or two, so I must have some sort of clue.  Yet, I look into the mirror and all I see is this old person, and the sadness of knowing I never took the time to see the young person I used to be.

I’m not crying for help, mostly offering some insight to the depressed brain and to myself.  I get treated poorly at times because I become a ghost, even to myself in many situations.  I’d rather be alone, but want to know I matter as well.  Fucked up thinking right there.  I see people who don’t deserve the attention they get, while I sit here and wonder how much more can I give to get some appreciation.  Am I that much of an asshole that I deserve all this shade?

No, I’m not, this is on you.  Remember that.  The way I deal with other’s shittiness is my problem but if the shittiness didn’t exist, then coping with it would be much less of a problem.

In all, I care too much, too empathetic and some know that, and feed off it.  So be it.  Until the end, I will fight and these blog posts will offer some insight to the dysfunctional fucked up brain of a human named Barbi.  Onward I go and forward I will fall, again, again and again, until I learn to climb.  I’m Barbi, a study of one.

*the post is in its raw form, editing minimally so keep your judgements to yourself, I can fill in the blanks myself.



Seriously, you think I was born at this age????

Ever have someone insult your intelligence to the point you want to reach over and choke the stupid out of them, this is how I feel about people who think just because we are older that we’ve not experienced life at all and we were born this age…

For the last 20 years or so there has been a theme of sorts rising to the top of my pet peeve list.  Sort of like the layer of goo on soup that has been sitting too long.  Longer it sits the thicker it gets, becoming more and more disturbing and having a greater effect on the soup’s possibly being enjoyable.

Anywhoooo, here it goes.  Talking with young mothers or fathers now and then about their lives which can be nothing short from laundry to the mess kids make on a daily basis.  How little Joey marked up the wall, or Betty pukes all over the cashier at the market.  Oh, this brings back so many memories of all the antics involving the littles and that of being a young parent all the way through teenage years and not stopping at adulthood.  In fact, the grandkids have taken the place of my grown ass kids in the variety of stunts they can accomplish on a daily basis.

So a simple conversation with these parents can quickly turn insulting within moments.  Here are 3 ways to piss me off. One, as if they are the only parent who has experienced little Joey marking up the wall with a sharpie [Joana] or had a child puke up all over the place, not limited to confined places, e.g. car.  2., how in the hell do you think I got this old?  Where in the hell do you think all this grey hair came from?  Finally, 3, do you really think I was born at this age and had not experienced life at all until this very moment when your majestic, whiney, narcissistic ass comes over to me to complain about your life?

Then and only then do you not only complain about how Joey and Betty don’t allow you to exercise, blah, blah, blah…then you have the nerve to say to me, “Oh, you wouldn’t understand because you don’t have children at home.”  Fuck you!  Newsflash, little Ms/Mr, fleshy-boo, I made time.  Do you think I enjoyed waking up at 5 a.m. every morning, dressing in the dark and going for a run, or walk depending on my mood?  Hell no, but I needed it for my sanity so I wouldn’t complain to someone like me and make them feel like shit because you feel misunderstood.  You do what you want to do, kids aren’t the reason why you’re a lazy-ass, they are a convenient excuse for you not to take responsibility of your own damn life.

Seriously, I would exercise when I could, this would be at times of napping or when on rare occasion their bio-dad would spend the day with them.  Or I did the unthinkable, I would spend time with them by taking them on nature hikes or just a simple walk through our neighborhood, getting to know these little humans I brought into the world. If we had a chance, I’d throw on a Journey record and teach these kids how to clean and take care of the important stuff, all this as long as I wasn’t working, which was usually a night shift or some other weird late hours.

So if you’d like to be the all-knowing, all-seeing guru and master of all things children, be my guest, but please do not assume that I haven’t lived life or my experiences are not valid because I am not doing that phase of life anymore at this very moment.

Life for us as the seasoned generation we raised our kids without cellphones and babysitters or daycare.  We worked hard and taught our kids how to work hard.  Obviously, your parents were napping while raising you.  It’s more than likely you didn’t show up for class. Your whining and insulting me is only self-gratification, so please don’t ego-masturbate in front of me and then treat me as if I don’t have a clue about anything concerning life with kids and work, etc, I will beg to differ and very loudly.

Insulting others with careless, casual remarks such as, “oh you wouldn’t know” or “it’s just you and your husband, oh how I wish”, and the best, “can I trade places with you”.  Hell to the no, I worked for this empty nest and continue to work for it.  So please keep your uneducated, disrespectful, dumbass remarks to yourself, and please stop breeding because we all know you’re sharing this warped sense of thinking with those innocent children.

Who by the way, love to drive you crazy, just so they can hear you complain to others about their lastest deeds.  They are proud of their wall-art, the colorful puke of the day, and the labyrinth of toys that they leave strewn about the house.  They love that they gave themselves a haircut right before picture day [Joshua].  The pink nail polish was the perfect touch to the drab mini blinds [Joana], the lovely shade of picasso pink [through the eyes of a 4-year-old],  spruced up the room perfectly.  Oh and how, he thought that because it happened in the movie, then surely a knife cannot cut his new leather jacket, now could it?  Buzzzzzzzz, it did and a long explanation of how movies are not real ensued.  One of my favorites, explaining to our son how an organism is not pronounced orgasm.

Oh, how I’ve lived and love the stories I could tell.  Therefore, should I receive one more insult to my intergrity while you objectify me with your banter of “you would not understand” and behave as if your life is superior than that of anyone else, well lets just say,  your teacher has arrived, and you will be my student.  You better damn well be ready.


Damn Wind

There’s a lesson in any moment if you choose to listen, whats insignificant to us may be very significant to another.

“Chaos, chaos, chaos, damn wind, I hate it” she says to herself, it messes with her chi, something she always has believed and was quite vocal about along with the cumbersome  feeling of  it creating  a sense of claustrophobia.  There she stands waiting for the next gust, bracing herself so not to fall over, waiting just  waiting for the next fierce rush that has become an irritating force of nature, the tornado like sensation that  literally will stop her in her tracks, she can’t see it, but she can feel it. “ Why must it keep going?”, she says angrily.  The flushing of sounds between the rustling of trees, the crackling and scraping sound  of trash as it rolls along the street side, picking up bits and pieces of loose dirt and  gravel , several more gusts, whoosh, whoosh, as the chilling wind has zero intent in its purposeful act  but to blow and cause chaos where ever it pleases.

She listens and waits.  She can hear what’s coming next.  A pause in the chaos, hmm,  has it stopped so she can move forward now?  Can she resume her journey?  The street is wet and dirty with debris scattered from one side to the other.  Fast food related wrappers strewn along the gutters and storefronts creating the illusion of dirty snow laden sidewalks.   Wishing it was dirty snow, it was from the discarded  gluttony of human laziness to feed and toss it out and make it someone else’s problem.  “Such a waste”,  she thinks as she decides to stop and sit on the curbside to take a rest.  Her gaze falls upon a single greasy wrapper laden with bits of leftover cheese and meat bits.  She wonders, “why would anyone feed their body such crap?”  “Why feed yourself with sewage?”  She is focusing on the wrapper during the momentary stillness that has been gifted.  Thoughts of why do humans not care more about themselves and the world?

She can smell the waste as if its been rotting in that very spot for weeks.  Disgusting decay coupled with urine, the smell being carried by the force of the wind so its stench cannot be avoided.  She thinks about going forward, her journey hasn’t ended. Much more to go, seeking her passion was not an easy task to manifest, or possible in this lifetime.  Her thoughts went dark as they often would do when joining in on her common everyday thought of “why am I here, and what am I supposed to be doing in this life”?  She normally could avoid these thoughts because she never thought much of herself, she was, as she was often told worthless.  She could not create any good in this world to benefit anyone or anything.  Pretty much the fundamental thinking of her life’s story.

She was a sub par human, not especially smart or talented in anything.  She’d called herself a Jackie of all trades, just a little of this and that, no real passion in succeeding in anything.  People would try to encourage her and boost her up, but really until she believed she was special, it wasn’t real.

In that moment a small rat steals her from her mind and its rambling.   “It’s so cute”, she thinks,  and returns her thoughts and says,  “it’s really was a waste of time thinking about these things.”  “I just need to keep moving forward”.  The rat looks at her with its dark eyes and she says, “hey little one, what are doing out here?” The rat steps back as if it was being threatened.  She then notices what has drawn the critter out of its safe place and captured the its attention.

There was something special about that rodent,  she could relate to it.  She loved animals, more than humans most of the time.  The wind shifts a bit, not as hard, more of a breeze when she notices how the little critter is focused on the greasy wrapper she had taken notice of earlier.  It was shifting its gaze from the wrapper to her, it would stop and take a few steps, being cautious as it evaluates if my presence is a threat to its next meal.  She grins appreciatively at the rat’s determined gaze on that wrapper.

It wasn’t long before it takes advantage of a break in the wind, it takes off running as if it’s an Olympian runner competing for the gold.  It grabs the wrapper with great force, losing grip only to regain it due to the greasy texture and then, as she figured it would happen, a sudden whoosh, to test the rats tenacity, the wind begins to roar and cause chaos once again.  The little critter’s ears are laying back, flat against its face from the wind, yet, it won’t stop, its teeth bared and little hands are bracing so not to slide backwards, back legs gripping, reaching for support on the dirty street, it gains momentum with a brief pause of the wind, it realizes at this point, it now has become a real challenge, it loses grip and its prize begins to float away.

The wrapper begins to floating side to side with the rhythmic gusts of wind, still focused, this little critter is not giving up.  She watches it, while bracing herself from the gust and witnesses the focus the rat maintains, that “I’m not giving up” determination on its face.  It knows that it will catch that wrapper, no matter what it will take.

The grease laden wrapper is whisking by her, she knows the rat will have great difficulty catching it at this rate, she stands up and steps on the wrapper as it flows along the street.  The rat stops, evaluating the situation, was going after the wrapper really worth it?  It steps back with slight intimidation, its watching her as she picks up the wrapper and walks toward  the rat. Wind still gusting, she looks around and sees a rock, a pretty good size rock, one that she can easily pick up, but the rat, not so much.  She picks it up and places it on part of the wrapper that doesn’t have anything edible or substantial ‘food like’ substance on it.  The rat, still focused, wonderment in its eyes, clouded by the conflict of instinct and hunger, it steps back and hides behind a discarded box.   She says, “it’s okay little one, this should help your challenge a bit.” “I know you won’t take it from me, but at least you can get it from here, enjoy!”

She walks away with the wind thrusting her hair away from her face with such force that she loses her footing for a step or two.  Smiling as she walked away, she knew that the small amount of cheese and meat would be a royal treat for the critter and it would be enjoying its feast soon.

The rat waits, its hesitation earned from its history of not being able to trust humans, it waits, wind is still blowing, can it retrieve the wrapper still?  Can it make it before she does?  Is she coming back?  Is this a trick? It makes its move and with the grace of a leopard leaping on its prey, attacking the wrapper and pulling with great force with its teeth until it rips and comes free.  Turning quickly to run it takes its trophy and scurries away in glee, its head flinching from side to side, moving with the gusts of wind, not fighting the force but using the wind to its advantage, allowing it to push it forward while watching for potential thieves with the hopes it can enjoy its latest treat without interruption.  This time the critter had won and it knew that it wasn’t going to be like this every time.

She becomes stuck in a holding pattern as the wind gust through her, stealing her strength, passion, motivation, and energy.  “It’s an evil thing the wind”, She thinks, “yet how dreary the sky would be without it, and then she remembers, the skies are pretty much dreary nowadays.  The pollution has taken the earths beauty and it hasn’t been the same in decades.  She recalls back to being a child, blue skies blanketed her view forever, the horizon a view not to miss.  Cascading colors of hues in blue and white.  She thought, what a beautiful world we live in, such beauty in nature.

As she grew older her mind grew increasingly more dark along with the sky.  The wind no longer carried the dirt and pollution away.  Rather, created cyclones of trash, waste and pure ugliness.  It carried along the ugliness and chaos of the human existence she referred to as life.  She thinks about the rat and its struggle for something so irrelevant in her mind, yet it carried a great significance in that little critter’s.  She knew that rat was no different from anyone else who faced a challenge.

She spoke aloud, no one could hear her anyway, the wind, pounding like drums during a solo with no regard to its audience.  She said, “if only we could focus our passion with such determination as that rat had and did, would we be happier, would we be more fulfilled, would we be able to walk through the wind instead of against it?”  She shouted at the sky as if there would be an answer.  She stood there as her hair, clothing was be forced with thrust and whoosh one after another, pushing her as to knock her to the ground and begging her to give up.  She gathers herself and shouts once again, “I’m not giving up, it’s not going to be that easy”.  She takes another step and stops.

She gazes upon the sky and its dirty renderings of years of abuse, a tear drops from her eye as she realizes how much of life is wasted on thinking about doing things, with great intent, nonetheless,  never really accomplishing anything.  We leave a trail of broken pieces for others to find and those who have the clarity to see the beauty in those pieces will treasure them.  For those of us who allow those pieces to fall off us like dead skin, we allow the wind to control us, we fight it, instead of using it to our advantage, as her little rat friend had done earlier.

In the end, will she learn to stop fighting the wind and allow herself to be guided by it. She will give in to the challenge offering a conscious thought toward being aware of it as a gift, much like she did for the rat when placing the wrapper under the rock so it could retrieve it and give it hope that there is good in the world.  Can she do this, will she do this, or will she continue to fight the wind and not allowing her to make any progress toward healing?  Another tear falls, soon she realized, they were not her tears but they were drops of rain, as if the world was crying for her, there, in that moment opening before her a hint of clarity and she felt as if there could be hope for the future.  It was time to heal.  All she had to do was let go and allow the wind to take control.  The wind pounded against her again, she shouts, “Damn wi–” , she stops, takes a step forward shifts her body in the opposite direction, the winding forcing her forward, hair blowing in her face.  She smiles and simply says, “Thank you”.

Positivity is for people who don’t trip over their own feet.

…and yet, I’m still here.

This morning my mind isn’t straight, its confused and jumbled, no more than normal really, I just know how to pull it off and appear reasonably normal.  However, this is the morning where I feel the weight of worthless. Well, the lint in our belly buttons, just waiting to be washed away because there really isn’t any purpose for my existence.  I wake with anxiety, not knowing where my future is going or how I got here.  Or the $64,000 question, why am I here??? How do I manage at some point in my life to feel worthy of not being worthy?

Truly, there isn’t any question, nor answer, nor potential for this human I call Barbi.  At the age of 54, I’m here, using up resources, commanding attention through blog posts, shouting for anyone/someone listen to me and give me an answer to this thing called life.

Part of my problem is watching and observing others.  Yeah, comparative thinking is for losers, boom, I did it again.  Anyway, for example, Michelle Obama, we share this age, and check her out, look where she is at, how and what force of nature or humanity lifted her to her amazingness[guaranteed, she doesn’t have a Corey inside her noggin]?  She is truly remarkable, and no matter the effort or struggle, it seems I falter at every attempt to be more than I am at this moment, and I’m pretty sure Pathetic is the name of  the described treadmill of which I’m chained.  And yeah, I don’t subscribe to the philosophy, ‘you can be whatever you want’, that’s bullshit.  *hands my shoes to over to you* Do they fit, how does it feel? Fucked, right?

Can I be whatever I want without all the judgment, criticism and come-on don’t act like that diarrhea, constant judgement, judge yourself for a while and leave me the fuck alone.  When you wake up as the driver of my soul, then we can talk, until then, leave me alone with all your old age judgy-ness and hypocritical assumptions of what is right or wrong.

I’m not asking for pity or sympathy, really not asking for anything.  I know this journey is mine, and I know my motivation to move to the next level, well, obviously, actions do speak louder than words, I’m not going anywhere.  A consistent flatliner, I am.  An exalted pathetic human not doing any good anywhere for anyone.

Describing my existence is futile, its only an act for self-pity and really firming up the foundation of my worthlessness.  There isn’t ANY perfect job, the perfect weight is unattainable, even my writing, well, really, let’s be honest, it’s sub par.  My thoughts race and are way to fast for me to catch.  My opinions are less than helpful to anyone.  And yet, I’m still here.

Now,  there is conundrum of curiosity and confusion, no answer, no reason, I got nothing. Yet, plenty there to judge.  It’s not that I don’t love fully or know that I’m loved.  Yet, I feel I fail everyone around me, not accomplishing shit, just maintaining, again that fucking treadmill I call life.

Watching you all, and what  you can accomplish on a daily basis, I so admire your passion  and how it moves you forward, manifesting the wonderful life you appear to attain. .  I ask, what is different in your brain than mine, why can’t I stay motivated  and move forward?  This brain of mine shifts from one thing to another, sort of like Frogger, seemingly craving the ultimate end of being smooshed over and over, thus  required  to start all over again, never making it to the other side

Is my issue, not going with the flow…yeah, that is a problem and I have a problem with that…and yet, I’m still  here.

I see sunshine, only to see that it blinds me

I see water, only to see that it  drowns me

I see life, only to see that it will end with nothing to show for it.

A vague memory of this goldfish swimming upstream

Swimming against the natural flow of life

I see surviving, only to see it as nothing

…and yet, I’m still here.

There aren’t answers, just more questions.  I’m too old for this and know moving forward is a null result in factoring the worthiness of my life.  I worry about judgement of those close to me, the painful criticism of a few that see me and have to state that I’m  not behaving appropriate or ‘showing’ too much.  Who says its wrong?  Where is that wonderful  book of life [and if you say bible, I will hit you with it, virtually or not, you best duck] and all its instruction to get through this nightmare?

Where are the teachers, the professors, the aged wised ones that show us the way through the matrix, all I can guess is that all these lessons have me mastering the art in treadmillism.  A masterful way of going nowhere and maintaining complacency  with a side of boredom.

My truth may not be your truth, or it may be close to some kind of truth out there [quit shaking your fucking head, you look like an idiot, see how it feels, my life in a nutshell] and if it resonates with someone to help them just a little so not to feel alone, then laying myself out there raw and exposed is worth it.

I’m damaged, and I know it.  I really do try to make the best out of it and most of the time I fail and fall like an ACME anvil on Wiley Coyote’s head.  Being positive fails me because of my furrowed brow of darkness that casts shade over my existence.

So wherever this blog posts lays, whoever reads it, and however the Universe plans to address it, so let it be…because truly,  positivity is for those who don’t trip over their own feet…and yet, I’m still here.

I’m going to post this now, faults, grammatical errors and all because really, life is faulty and I’m a human example of that very fact.