My Happy Ending is lost, have you seen it?

As I tried to Jump, it seemed impossible

It took a long while before I could

I feared the unknown, yet took the leap

I saw nothing on the path ahead

Scared to say the least, I continued

In a haze of fog and mistrust

The destination is still so bleak

Where am I, what have I done

Jeopardizing our home life

Taking food and well-being aghast

What the hell was I thinking

Now I’m in purgatory, waiting

Wondering what will come next

Anxiousness looming with every thought

Fear of failing my greatest enemy/ally

Again, what was I thinking

Taking each day by the hand

Coaxing it to make sense of the why

If you don’t take the leap, they say

I did and nothing good has come from it

Being lost and confused is not a preferred state of mind

It feeds into my self-loathing

Self-esteem is at the lowest point

Literally throwing up my hands and giving up

Take me from this world if all I cause is disappointment

Letting my husband down

Him carrying the burden of my poor judgement

What was I thinking

The fact is, I wasn’t, blinded by hope

Fear disguised by Hope, and I bought it

Now, where do I go from here

How do we survive

Do I retreat and go back to where I came?

Do I go back to where I started?

Humiliated by poor judgement

Oh, I know the tales, without failure there’s no success

Its all bullshit I say, plain bullshit

To return from a journey of failure

Sadness and embarrassment as companions

Into the darkness, once again

Sad thing is though, this isn’t the end

Bad decisions are a part of my repertoire

So, so, so, so, so, so

The journey continues

In the false hope of

finding my happy ending.


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